Architect Bala North Wales | Rhys Llwyd Davies

Y Lasynys

Rhys Llwyd Davies has developed detailed design proposals for a visitor centre at Y Lasynys Fawr (, the historic home of author Ellis Wynne (1671 - 1734), author of 'Gweledigaethau'r Bardd Cwsg' (The Visions of the Sleeping Bard), one of the most important and influential pieces of Welsh language literature.  Planning and Listed Building Consent were granted in 2012 and continued attempts are being made to secure the necessary funding to allow the project to proceed.

The new visitor centre will be a contemporary addition to the site, carefully sited to maintain key views of the main house.  The overall form and materialality of the building are based on venacular building forms, but are expressed in a confident contemporary architectural language.  The proposed use and activities would enrich the experience of visitors to the main house and the wider area

Y Lasynys